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Filtersupport supplies absorption plants with quench tower for cooling of the flue gas.


To keep our environment clean, Filtersupport has specialized in the treatment of hot flue gas. Hot flue gas is generated from biomass, gasification or waste incinerators. It may contain high concentrations of the chemical particles that are harmful to humans and the environment. We have installed bag filter systems in plants for the incineration of hazardous waste, both in the municipal, industrial and private sector.

The primary purpose of bag filter systems is usually removal of dust by adding a sorbent (activated charcoal, lime and/or bicarbonate). This will remove acidic components such as HCl, HF and SO2. Dioxin and mercury are removed by the addition of activated carbon.

Filtersupport supplies absorption plants with quench tower for cooling of the flue gas

Filtersupport’s treatment-solutions of the flue gas, is always tailored to meet customer needs and designed to deal with the actual composition of flue gas pollutants on the specific plant.

The installations can be supplied as turn-key solutions including systems for the dosing of additives.

Our bag filters can easily be installed as part of comprehensive processes, which also include scrubbers and systems for the recovery of energy through the flue gas condensation. Such processes allow for a reduction in the consumption of additive and the formation of residues, thus reducing operating costs.

Filtersupport supplies absorption plants with quench tower for cooling of the flue gas.


Special features of Filtersupport’s hot flue gas cleaning equipment can include:
  • 180 ° to 270 ° cyclone inlet to ensure optimal flow in the filter.

  • Good insulation to neutralize the cold spots and corrosion.
  • Flat bottom, no funnel – in order to ensure the absolute optimal fly ash removal.

  • Intelligent cleaning system-software controlled filter bag cleaning based on actual process conditions.

  • Cylinder construction, self-sustaining sturdy construction.

  • Controlled dosage of lime/activated carbon – based on the actual chemical composition of flue gas.

  • Low maintenance costs-due to a few moving parts and optimal flow conditions.

  • Low chemical consumption because of computer-controlled process dosing system.